Hello my wonderful readers,
I hope you are all as excited for the bank holiday weekend as I am?! An extra spring time day off work is just what I need at the moment. What will all of you be doing? Any exciting plans? I definitely have a visit to Somerset House and the new PICK ME UP exhibition firmly placed on my calendar. Such gorgeous work on display is always a treat for the eyes! Just check out all of the talent that will be on display:
Alex Trochut
Andy Gilmore
Charlie Duck
Claire Scully
Edvard Scott
Erin Petson
James Joyce
Jess Wilson
Jesse Auersalo
Job Wouters
Lorenzo Petrantoni
Mathis Rekowski
Melvin Galapon
Mr Bingo
Natsko Seki
Patrick Gildersleeves
Paula Castro
Pierre Nguyen
Richard Sarson
Rosie Irvine
Siggi Eggertsson
Ville Savimaa
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